Jo and I went to the same kindergarten together. She moved to Hawaii when we were little but we kept in touch thanks to social media. I was so excited to meet up with her at the Koko Crater Botanical Garden with our other childhood friend, Jay. She jumps out of her blue Tacoma truck and gives us the biggest smile and the warmest hug. Because she is such a down-ass chick, she let me take her photos and interview her for the launch of the Gara website. 

I want to introduce Gara and its story by sharing bold and interesting people who have a global mentality. Here is Jo, the beautiful Island girl who's down for any adventure and who is never afraid to say it like it is.


Where do you live?
Waipahu, Hawaii.

Did you grow up in Waipahu? I was born in Laoag City and moved to Hawaii in 2000 when I was 10 and have lived here ever since.

How is it like living in Hawaii?
I live and work where people vacation. We’re surrounded by beautiful beaches and everything is nearby. It is slower paced but hey—life is meant to be sipped, not swallowed. Ever since I graduated from high school I always told myself that I would move to a bigger city in the mainland. But something about this place and the people in it has always kept me anchored here.

Where can we find you on weekends?
Being in retail management, I have no weekends per se. But on my days off, you can find me at the squat rack at the gym or at the Pray for Sex beach if I happen to have a whole day free of commitments.

Favorite food?
Tough to decide between Thai and Mexican food.

Best place to hike?
Best hike I’ve been on O’ahu would probably be Crouching Tiger. Beautiful view of Kahana Bay and the Ko’olau Mountains.

What’s one thing you always carry with you?
My iPhone!

What is one thing you miss about the Philippines?
Philippines to me is a distant memory of my childhood, of simpler times. Innocence, free of responsibilities, blissful ignorance of the future... all that good stuff is what I miss from time to time. Oh, and a damn good Ilocos empanada and royal bibingka from Vigan. Lord.